Intro To Argentine Tango with Monica Orozco Friday April 26 @ 7:30 PM


Join the beginner’s Argentine Tango Intro where no partner is required! In this 90 minute class followed by 1 hour of practice, you’ll delve into the fundamental elements of social Argentine Tango. From mastering the tango walk, embrace, balance, and posture to exploring the rich culture, customs, and history behind this captivating dance, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of authentic Argentine Tango. Master instructor Monica Orozco will guide you through the deep mechanics of the dance, ensuring you develop a strong foundation. The final hour is dedicated to voluntary practice, providing you with the opportunity to hone your skills alongside fellow students. Don’t miss out on this exciting journey into the world of Argentine Tango!

Attire – casual clothing and socks. 

Monica Orozco

Mónica Orozco, a distinguished Argentine tango dancer, embodies the passion and soulfulness of Buenos Aires both past and present. With roots deeply embedded in the Argentine tango scene, she has become a leading figure in spreading the art form’s allure, particularly in Los Angeles. Her fusion of traditional tango with modern jazz influences, notably inspired by Piazzolla, has captivated audiences worldwide. Trained under the tutelage of the esteemed Maestro Raúl Bravo, Mónica’s journey from the bohemian social clubs of her youth to directing productions at the Teatro de la Ciudad Vieja in Buenos Aires speaks volumes of her dedication to her craft. Her illustrious career spans continents, with notable performances in South America, the U.S., Europe, and Asia, including memorable appearances in iconic works such as “Kurahy” alongside Julio Bocca and “Evita” at the General Theatre of San Martín. Settling in the United States, she has continued to share her passion for tango through artistic direction, choreography, and performances, leaving an indelible mark on the tango landscape. Noteworthy achievements include directing acclaimed productions like “An Homage to Cadicamo” and “An Homage to Piazzolla,” as well as choreographing for esteemed venues such as the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre and the Red Cat Theatre. Mónica’s dedication to preserving and evolving the essence of Argentine tango shines through her diverse body of work, making her an influential figure in the global tango community.

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